The Exodus Road is facing a decline in real actual donations after the recent 2023 scandal (where we have been exposing them.)

The Exodus Road is a non-profit run by a married Evangelical couple, Matt and Laura Parker, from a Colorado Springs PO box.  They are pretty much a marketing/PR company ran via a PO box,  with tax exemptions, and they are helping possibly unscrupulous wealthy individuals clean money in the name of the lord to avoid tax and clean money.  They are not really interested in helping the world or making a difference.  Many experts in the anti-trafficking community have questioned their real impact.

Although they only hire Evangelicals, receive donations from Evangelicals, and wrongly use donation money to teach discipleship, they are registered at their PO Box as a non-religious charity. (Even the name is “The Exodus Road” Christian related) Matt and Laura pay themselves very large salaries for a shared part-time job role, 280,000 USD a year, and filter a lot of money to Thailand, where they plan to retire. (426,026 USD was sent to Thailand in 2023 towards bribes, lavish lifestyle, their holiday home and retirement) Thailand has very, very low salaries, low costs and rent.  (perfect for pocketing most of it)

They send far more to Thailand, towards their retirement and second home and lavish holidays. It’s very possible that they are buying land for themselves in preparation for retirement.


Matt and Laura Parker have been involved in many scandals; the first one was co-signed by 30+ odd ex-staff in the “The Exodus Road open letter“, which gained FBI attention and in the end, they paid corrupt lawyers to sweep it all up.  Their lawyers were also in trouble for trying to persuade a sex abuse victim not to come forward.  Read more about their lawyers here

Matt and Laura Parker have been accused several times of not really rescuing people, and recently, we have exposed them for setting people up and trafficking girls themselves in the process.  Our campaign to bring the truth to the donors has seemed to work. Naturally, they have fiddled with the financials to make it look like they are doing better and have to spend more money greasing palms. (evidence further down)

Matt and Laura Parker try to put themselves as these Hollywood characters saving the world when, in reality, they are living a lavish lifestyle, banking lots of money, lots of holidays and travel. It has been questioned over and over if they are having any real impact because they hang around in open-air bars using donation money for sex (until we exposed them in 2023). They are constantly criticised for using over-inflated numbers of victims rescued, but calling the police on a victim is not a rescue. In April 2024, they stopped setting people up, and their undercovers stopped having sex with prostitutes and ran off because of impending legal action.

How did they try to make 2023 financials look better than 2022?

Early in 2023, the accountants at The Exodus Road walked out without notice. Laura Parker had to try and get more in quickly.  The FBI need to speak to these accountants, our informant said mis-appropriation of funds.

Here is the source for the financial reports, there are 3 PDFs under 2023. All my screenshots are from those sources.

These donations are gifts in-kind not cash. What they did is they pretended two friends of theirs added lots of value to their non-profit for profits. I could give them exposure and say it was worth 5000 USD. This is also a money laundering/cleaning/tax scam for the 2 individuals, which they wrote down as 837k and 650k donors, but it was gifts-in-kind which could have been made up of consulting amounts. This needs investigating. Here is the source of this file


Donations in-kind: This is how they pad the donations amount to look like they are doing well. You can pretty much remove the amount for Promotion and advertising, 909,000, USD and Professional Services, 713,836 USD, off the total donations to get a more truthful amount. Our team noticed how they had to increase it so much more from last year, and they are doing far less work in 2024 and more holidays.


Laura and Matt Parker struggle with sticking to the truth. As usual, they do their PR write-up to pretend things are going well for them because the truth would put people off donating.

“When I reflect on 2023, I celebrate a year of continuous
growth for The Exodus Road—with all of the excitement
and challenges that come with that progress.” Laura Parker

The only thing that Laura and Matt Parker are good at is excellent marketing, deceiving good people into donations, helping friends with tax write-offs and laundering, and making themselves lots of money; no one else can rake in so many millions from a PO box as they do.  They are declining in staff and spending more to keep donors.  One tip we have for the dishonest couple is not to pay corrupt cops to send innocent people to jail, and we wouldn’t have put a spotlight on your non-profit for profits, and do not lie about aftercare.


The gifts-in-kind is just a way of making their donations look more than they are; you can safely deduct 1.9m off the total revenue in 2023 to get the truth; they added 700,000 USD this year to cover up the decline. 1.2m USD of this was from 2 friends pretending they were adding value to the company with consulting or services. General administration of 373,467 USD a year from a PO box and with so few staff is insane, not to mention 520,534 USD last year in fundraising! Most of this money pays for expensive hotels, holidays and business-class flights.  They also ended their financial year with 35% less money in the bank.


Check the picture below. They removed the figures for “The Freedom Home” scam after we exposed their fake aftercare home. Finally, they have been more honest and added it to “Alpha—Thailand” spending, which is mostly bribes to police, like 88,371 USD paid to the deputy police of Thailand.

You can read more about their freedom home scam here.

Notice that there is no money next to The Freedom Home after we exposed it as a lie.

Advertising, promotions, and donor relations went from 432,829 USD in 2022 to 915,305 USD in 2023, so they have almost doubled backhanders and sweeteners to keep donors and extra advertising due to the fact that people are learning the truth about how they operate from their PO box, pretending to be a large organisation, making a huge difference when it’s primarily glossy photos, good editing, and self-promotion, which comes naturally to narcissistic people.

Sweeteners/backhanders to keep donors and promote themselves have doubled since we started exposing them. Now, they are handing out 915,305 USD a year. A 105,686 USD IT bill every year is insane. If these guys ran an honest company, they would go broke. They rely on friends who need help with their tax bills and cleaning up a bit of money.


They have decreased staff in 2023 in their failing non-profit, but they are paying themselves extremely well for so few people. With just a PO box and most people working part-time or from home, the salaries should be much lower. (if it was a real business, they wouldn’t survive) They operate in countries with very low costs.

Salaries are down from 926,046 USD to 729,981 USD, (they probably changed a few salaries to other costs) but they are still insane considering they purposely pick the cheapest countries, don’t do aftercare and rarely investigate. Travel was up from 77,376 USD a year to 167,288 USD a year because they have been on more holidays than ever and are moving volunteers away from Thailand because of fears of arrest. Employee benefits is down because less staff but still excessive for a charity at 68,682 USD a year because they are already extremely overpaid.


In 2023 we started exposing Matt and Laura Parker on all social media, they have been going to less conferences, more holidays which is why travel costs increased 40%.  And because they haven’t been showing their faces, the conference bills have decreased from 38,938 USD a year to 9,387 USD.  The last conference I attended was 100 USD, but they paid for VIPs, expensive hotels and food.  If anyone has been to these non-profit conferences, you will find many people who work for charities but have as much free time as they want and boast of 5-star hotels and business class flights.  But they all feel they deserve it for saving the world. Please do not donate to these corporate, glossy,  highly marketed charities. (that are just money making machines.)

True donations written under “contributions and grants” were around 2,695,526 for 2022, and now it’s down 4000 USD to 2,691,181 USD for 2023. However, backhanders to donors (wineing, dining, hotels, etc) and promotions went from 432,829 USD in 2023 to 915,305 USD, so they have had a lot less money actually coming in after bribing the people in charge of giving donations out.

In 2023, The Exodus Road received 2,691,181 USD in real donations, Minus travel 167,288 USD and backhanders to donors (donor relations) 915,305 USD Thailand play/retirement/bribe money 426,604 USD, and large salaries (729,981 USD). What’s left to make a real impact?

Why are salaries so high when operating in cheap countries with no aftercare or real investigations?

12 years ago, Matt and Laura Parker started helping a school in Thailand; they probably set out well.  Matt became addicted to the bars and bar girls while he lived in Chiang Mai, Thailand. However, when they started a charity and Evangelists’ money was flooding in thanks to the Pulpit Rock Church (The Pulpit Rock donates 250,000+ USD per year to The Exodus Road from their community donations who give it to them in good faith), (Jonathan) Matt Parker got greedy and started getting big-headed. You can see in their social media posts and interviews how much they fancy themselves, PO box Matt refers to himself as a visionary often and says he needs long holidays to plan his visions. Hence why they pay themselves so much and think they are worth lavish lifestyles. When did Matt Parker get so corrupt from greed?

How many children could have been rescued or helped if they had used the money honestly and efficiently and didn’t have first-class travel, hotels, large salaries, backhanders, and benefits? What if donors had sent it to an honest charity?

They started up a fake war between them and legal bar owners. This meant their male operatives could get sex while working undercover, and donors paid for their cheap sex and nights out. Even Preston Goff, their marketing manager, was caught in a brothel in Jomtien, Thailand, with Rickson Souza.

Behind enemies lines

In 2023, The Exodus Road spent 27.12 % of its real donations on salaries. (2,691,181 USD in real income and 729,981 USD in salaries.)


The Exodus Freedom Home in Thailand only has people over 18 staying there sometimes, but they have to commit to a 1-year mentorship, which is basically committing to be a Christian. They call the police on people, the victim goes to a government home for a bit or back home, then they are back out doing sex work again within 4-6 weeks. (because they weren’t really trafficked) Their aftercare is just a follow-up phone call or a meeting or two. Mostly to convert someone. Their AFTERCARE is a lie and has been highly critised. They are the only charity of this nature, where there is no address and no way of anyone finding these aftercare places, they do not want anyone turning up for help or seeing that its always empty. Nothing about security, Thailand is a safe place, no one is going to go there and make problems.


They do not train police in any country like they pretend. Police do not allow outsiders to train officers. They will pay costs for food/room when police are doing their own training (donation) and they will pretend they are involved.. where are all the videos of them training police? There is no intervention, just calling the police on people and snooping around. This is primarily bribes. Aftercare is mostly paying other Christians to help convert people; none of the victims is given a room or real aftercare. They pay other missionaries to come to teach some discipleship, etc.


They do not train any officers at all, and they can’t provide videos because there are none! The rest of the numbers are lies also; The Exodus Road pay the police bribes in poor countries to pretend they worked with them; they DO NOT have any investigation team. They had Dirk, and they flew in Edwin to set people up, and they have a few other volunteers that want money for nights out, and they have sex and pretend they are undercover. All of these numbers are inflated lies; they need to provide more evidence. They are just a marketing company run from a PO box with tax-exempt status; all their effort goes into looking good and beating their own chests.
Once you remove all the fluff, gifts-in-kind, you can see that real cash is down as they are having to spend far more on donor relations, which means taking donors out to expensive places, which means greasing the palms of the people in charge of donation company accounts.


Further Reading and Related articles

The Open Letter

Behind Enemy Lines, Delta Ops and investigations in regulated legal beer bars – the lies fed to good Christians.

The Exodus Road Spends 3.5 million USD in 2022 (88% of donations) on executives, entertainment, fun, travel and fat cat salaries

A very sad heartbreaking story about Dara a 15-year-old Thai girl – who was sexually abused by an evil American murderer hired by The Exodus Road

The Exodus Road Board Of Director Convicted Drug Dealer and Killer Edwin Desamour Helps Set up Business Owners By Procuring Underage Girls and Planting them with other girls ID’s.

The Exodus Road uses corrupt lawyers

When did Matt Parker get so greedy and corrupt?  

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