A very sad heartbreaking story about Dara a 15-year-old Thai girl – who was sexually abused by an evil American murderer hired by The Exodus Road

Story Inspired By Mary Nikkel –  Christian writer

This story is shocking, but it needs to be heard.  A 15 year old school girl called Dara lost her dad from a horrific accident at young age, Dara’s mum was a young alcoholic who abandoned her and her sick grandmother was forced to look after her and try to feed her. Her life was tragic from the start and shes always been vunerable.

Dara’s life was desperate as she grew up, knowing she was abandoned and being forced to help her sick grandmother, it was a tough life for her helping her grandma with chores around the farm at such a young age, there is no welfare in Thailand, her school grades were going well, and the future looked promising,  one day she was desperate for money to help her grandmother with hospital bills, so she decided to go to Pattaya, Thailand to seek working in bars selling herself,  but no one would allow her due to her age.  Asia has a different view on prostitution than the West, its far more normal and it’s the girl next door opposed to drug users.  But establishments are very strict on requiring girls being 18 plus despite what The Exodus Road lies to it’s donors about.

Dara was asked to contact one lady who had an answer for her to find customers to have sex with for money, this is when she met Edwin Desamour,  who killed a police mans son and was also convicted of selling drugs. Edwin who is a director of The Exodus Road paid Dara around 30 USD for sex, broke her virginity in to prepare her to go work in a brothel that The Exodus Road was targeting. (statutory rape) Dara trusted Edwin because he’s twice her age and American,  Dara was very tall, so she looked much older than 15, which was perfect for Matt Parker and Edwin Desamours evil plans.  The Exodus Road set up legal hard-working business owners, so they can make an arrest or save a girl. (that they plant in the first place)

Now Edwin had a perfect underage candidate that had no where else to work and he already broke her in.  Now he demanded that she borrowed a girls ID who was old enough, which is a criminal offence with potentially five years in jail (but not for juveniles).  Edwin was able to bribe a cashier 3200 USD to accept Dara into the business that he was targeting so she could get work having sex with customers using an ID card that proved she was 18 years old.


Edwin Desamour killed a police mans son, sold drugs, went to jail and was qualified to be The Exodus Roads evil right hand man to do the dirty work.

Remember that Laura Parker CEO of The Exodus Road is the person responsible for Matt Parker her husband and his right hand man fellon Edwin Desamour.  Laura Parker is fully aware that her non-profit for profit The Exodus Road lies about rescues, but we are not sure if these are her ideas to set people up or Matt Parkers. Matt Parker stepped down after the huge scandel in 2018 which was brought to light with a huge investigation, Matt promised they would change, but they never did because the money is too good.

Most of the other fake anti-human trafficking charities operating in Asia just lie about rescues that never happened at all, but The Exodus Road lies even more by dragging innocent children into sex work.

Edwin Desamour and Matt Parker had Dara having sex with multiple men per day in hee new job just to screw over bar owners, Edwin decided to go see her at work for many months to try and gather evidence. (Why did he need to take her upstairs for sex multiple times) a normal charity would have alerted/warned the bar owner. 15 year old Dara pleaded with Matt and Edwin many times, asking how long does she have to keep having sex with older men for 30 USD a time, she begged them to let her stop and return to school, she only needed enough for grandma’s hospital bill, she was missing school, waiting for Edwin and Matt Parker to set up the business owner with corrupt police, so she had to keep having sex 20 times a day for many months whilst missing school.  Eventually, she couldn’t bare do it anymore after 3-4 months, so she ran off from Edwin’s and Matt’s evil plan, she was scared what they will do to her because she knew they didn’t care about the law and had corrupt police on the payroll.  Edwin and Matt had to come up with another plan, so they decided to set up the cashier that they bribed to give her a job, this would in turn get them the arrest and fake rescue that they need to fool their donors.

On the final day on the plan, Edwin called the cashier asked her to message Dara for him, they met and had sex again, she was 16 years old by now.  Then Edwin called in the police guys that they bribed to come and get the cashier arrested for arranging it…  Now Dara had to go to some government place for 4 weeks, and by now she had given up on any hope of finishing school and her university dreams were ruined, so she decided to borrow someone’s ID again and sell herself again.

Now she is almost 17 and shes been selling herself since she was 15 because Edwin introduced her to sex work and kept her in it for many months. The Exodus Road call the police on people and disappear,  arrests sometimes happen and rescues never happen, but Laura and Matt lie to the donors that they rescue thousands. This is how The Exodus Road founders make multimillions, they operate in Asia away from legal scrutiny and prying donors.

This is just one case where The Exodus Road convinced an underage girl to use someone else’s ID to trick her way into a job, have sex with more guys than she planned to. Also Edwin broke in her virginity, and now she is still a working girl who has changed her hairstyle, name, location multiple times and has been caught working in at least 5 places so far.

Dara only wanted to help her grandma’s bills and go back to school.  But Edwin and Matt took advantage of a child to try and set up a business owner and in their words, this is a trafficking rescue, but this was them instigating this and having sex with her also.

This is not the first time and it wont be the last, until people stand up and expose them or stop donating. Please read more in the links below. Help save vulnerable Children from these evil people by sharing this link or others articles written by many disgruntled Christians.

Matt Parker chose Edwin to do his dirty work because he served time for drug dealing and murder, he is able to do illegal jobs, he’s unemployable and he’s got a code of silence embedded into him from prison.

Pray for Dara, Edwin used her for his sexual desires and trafficked her. Now she is bouncing from brothel to brothel, feeling disillusioned from putting her trust in Matt and Edwin for a better life.  The Exodus Road promised to help her grandma for setting up a business owner and putting an innocent person in jail, but they abandoned her just like her mother did and they threw her under the bus, facing legal implications for using fake ID because Edwin demanded she did.

Edwin Desamour had sex with a child and used her to set up hard working honest business people

Behind the enemy lines is a lie

The Exodus Road is a multimillion USD business – Matt and Laura Parker pocketing 800,,000 USD a year

The Exodus Road Open Letter – first major scandal 


This case is the one that Edwin Desamour paid for sex with the 15-year-old and used her to set people up. It was swiftly deleted when police pointed out that they knew what Edwin had done to the girl. The Exodus Road used a picture of a 12 year old to pull the heart strings of donors,  the real girl was very tall and looked 18.
Matt Parker and another person he has working with him are looking for bar owners to set up in Pattaya, Thailand
Matt Parker uses donation money to have sex with prostitutes, (he calls it undercover) there is no underage in Pattaya, so he has to pay to get results and set people up.
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