Thailand’s purge of bad foreigners: Matt and Laura Parker is the most worthy

Recently, there has been a purge of bad foreigners after a Swiss man kicked a Thai doctor for being on public property and then lying to the nation about it.   Then there was a Russian lady kicking a pregnant Thai lady, but both of these cases were a storm in a teacup.

The real menace to Thailand’s image, children’s safety, and business owners’ freedom is Matt Parker from The Exodus Road. He sets people up for his own gain, he also embarrasses good Christians and causes them huge losses in donation money because everyone assumes they are all like him.

Matt and Laura Parker get 3.5m USD a year in donations from ruining Thailand’s image by lying to Americans that girls in Thailand bars are underage and sex slaves and sold openly, which makes Thai people look terrible.  They know in Vietnam, they would get arrested, and in Cambodia, they would be killed, but they know Thai people are gentle people and won’t get them killed or locked up.  They also prey on the fact there is a language barrier, so most Thais do not know how bad they make Thailand look.

Recently, the police issued a warning about Matt Parker and his illegal activities. (picture below)  Also, you can read more in the link below it.

Recent police issued warning to all Thailand bar owners

Matt Parker recently donated to big joke and deceived him pretending he’s an authority on human trafficking  

Convicted killer (pictured below) had sex with a 15 year old Thai girl and used her to set up bar owners

Thai people have had enough but feel powerless due to the donations he gives in Thailand to get protection and pretend he works with Thai police, he also lied and said the Thai police depudised him. He says Thai police ask him for help and to teach them. (links below)

Link 1 : Link 2 : Link 3  (Please send to Thai people)

Read how Matt Parker tried to cover up his staff sexually abusing Thai women and the FBI investigated and there was 33 ex-staff that co-signed this open letter.

Matt Parker then used corrupt lawyers to investigate himself to save his skin after an investigation was triggered against his non-profit for profits.

Matt Parker chose Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie law firm to investigate The Exodus Road 2018 sexual abuse scandal, but they helped cover up abuse from a Catholic school teacher

Thailand’s biggest criminals—Matt and Laura Parker, Edwin Desamour, Mary Nikkel, and Preston Goff—have yet to be caught.

Laura and Matt Parker are the founders and CEO behind The Exodus Road; between them, their children, expenses, and money syphoned, they get around 800,000 USD per year to live a luxury lifestyle while they put their children at risk.


Edwin Desamour, a convicted killer and ex-drug dealer, is another director of The Exodus Road; he is Matt Parker’s fixer, who is willing to break laws. He mostly sets people up in Brazil, but comes to Thailand also


Another director from The Exodus Road was recently having sex with bar girls and trying to set up bar owners in Pattaya


Daniel Vaupal at Tamar Center  Pattaya is Matt Parker’s eyes and ears, he sends his NGO women to try to trick ladies in bars into leaving, offering them promises of jobs that never happen. He makes a living fooling donors that he is rescuing Thai women, but it’s all lies.
Matt Parker has cost Thailand millions of donation money from USA because hes been setting up human trafficking cases that would have never had existed, he brought them down a category. He donates a lot of money to police in Thailand, India and Brazil.


Here is Matt Parker on an illegal operation in Pattaya, trying to set up bar owners while serving his own sexual desires; the guy with him was also caught having sex on another road.


Mary Nikkel says Thai people lock up women, traffic them and openly sell them as sex slaves. We have questioned her many times, but she is paid too much to stop.


Rickson and Preston Goff are a big part of The Exodus Road, both were caught having blowjobs in Jomtien bars. Preston Goff is the marketing manager who lies about Thailand having sex slaves.

Please read more here (together, we can purge these bad actors)

The Exodus Road Spends 3.5 million USD in 2022 (88% of donations) on executives, entertainment, fun, travel and fat cat salaries (mostly bribe money)

The Exodus Road Board Of Director Convicted Drug Dealer and Killer Edwin Desamour Helps Set up Business Owners By Procuring Underage Girls and Planting them with other girls ID’s.

Behind Enemy Lines, Delta Ops and investigations in regulated legal beer bars – the lies fed to good Christians.

The Exodus Road Director Bill Woolf stole from taxpayers and resigned from the police force.

Read why Matt Parker and The Exodus Road causes more trafficking.

How Much does Matt Parker (Jonathan Parker) Syphon off The Exodus Road?

The Truth About The Exodus Road

The Exodus Road Uncovered

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