Thailand’s purge of bad foreigners: Matt and Laura Parker is the most worthy
Recently, there has been a purge of bad foreigners after a Swiss man kicked a Thai doctor for being on public property and then lying to the nation about it. Then there was a Russian lady kicking a pregnant Thai lady, but both of these cases were a storm in a teacup.
The real menace to Thailand’s image, children’s safety, and business owners’ freedom is Matt Parker from The Exodus Road. He sets people up for his own gain, he also embarrasses good Christians and causes them huge losses in donation money because everyone assumes they are all like him.
Matt and Laura Parker get 3.5m USD a year in donations from ruining Thailand’s image by lying to Americans that girls in Thailand bars are underage and sex slaves and sold openly, which makes Thai people look terrible. They know in Vietnam, they would get arrested, and in Cambodia, they would be killed, but they know Thai people are gentle people and won’t get them killed or locked up. They also prey on the fact there is a language barrier, so most Thais do not know how bad they make Thailand look.
Recently, the police issued a warning about Matt Parker and his illegal activities. (picture below) Also, you can read more in the link below it.
Thai people have had enough but feel powerless due to the donations he gives in Thailand to get protection and pretend he works with Thai police, he also lied and said the Thai police depudised him. He says Thai police ask him for help and to teach them. (links below)