Matt Parker’s Corrupt Partner On Bail – another reason The Exodus Road needs to lose its tax-exempt status
Recently, in February 2024, Matt Parker was in Thailand paying bribe/donation money to Police General Surachate, known as “Big Joke”, a high-ranking police officer; shortly after that, Matt Parker was soon seen in Pattaya bars looking for sex and setting up his next innocent victim.
“Big joke” is who Matt pays lots of donation money to under the table, is now in serious trouble over corruption charges. Read more. Matt Parker sends to Thailand 341,000 USD a year for investigation/entertainment/expenses in Thailand; insiders say half of this goes to Matt Parker’s retirement, and the rest goes towards sex in brothels for The Exodus Road team, nice hotels, first-class flights and bribes to set people up to generate more donations. They also bribe police to say they are working together or training them. This is on top of the 160,000 USD a year Matt and Laura Parker send to Thailand for the freedom home, which has running costs of 24,000 USD per year. Plus, they both get a salary of 280,000 USD, and 2 of their children also get high salaries.
Matt Parker has a history of working with corrupt people. Bill Woolfe, his director who stole taxpayers’ money, the corrupt lawyers at Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie law firm he used to investigate his own The Exodus Road sex abuse scandal, Edwin Desamour, (another TER director) who is a convicted killer, sold drugs and is under investigation for having sex with a 15-year-old in Thailand. (Statutory rape charges) Read about Edwin raping a little girl and using her to set up an innocent business owner. Funded by The Exodus Road.
The picture below shows Matt Parker with Big Joke a month before he was arrested and out on bail. Here is a link below to the news about Big Joke again, just in case you missed it. Corruption and scandals follow Matt Parker and The Exodus Road around.

Link to source of photo of Matt Parker with Big joke 16th of February
Our investigators are seeing if there is any truth to Matt Parker being linked to the illegal gambling operations, as it is alleged his donation money funded the illegal gambling operation.
Recent question: Donors have asked us why so much of The Exodus Road money goes to Thailand when there is no sex slavery or underage in the bars.
Answer: It’s because (according to Matt Parker’s own interviews) Thailand is his second home, his future retirement. Also, because of the language barrier, corruption, and distance away from his donors, he can lie and say whatever he needs to get more donations and hard cash to fuel his greed.
Matt and Laura Parker got very greedy within a few years of starting The Exodus Road, now it’s a pure money making machine, with very little actually really helping the world. When did Matt Parker get corrupt?
Together, we will fight evil people like Matt and Laura Parker and The Exodus Road. Christians in Colorado Springs need to wake up and stop funding their lavish Hollywood fake lifestyles.
Matt Parker and The Exodus Road aren’t the only ones having sex in brothels in Asia under the guise of investigation, there are many sex addicted NGO’s and missionaries who live in Thailand, Cambodia and other countries pretending to save children but are paying for sex in brothels. (Which is commonly accepted in Asia) but in the evangelist world, that is a big no-no.
Please read more, share our articles and stop these greedy monsters who don’t really care about fixing real problems.